Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Welcome to the Insaniporium!

Welcome to The Insaniporium!

My name is Charles Doyle (a.k.a InsanityBear). I hail from Bermuda originally, but now live in Canada. I am a goon who needed a way to channel my pent-up energy, and subsequently decided to create a blog (THIS is THAT blog!). HOLY GALUNGAZOID! Much of what you discover within will come across as the ramblings of a mental patient, but it is important to me, so CLAMS TO YOU!

There will very little discernible structure here in the Insaniporium. I love to tangent, and though I will probably focus more heavily on some subjects than others, this purpose of this blog is to channel and perpetuate the spread of RANDOM, CREATIVE ENERGY. Interpret that however you will.

I've realized recently that I absolutely love the potential for expressiveness in the English language, and want to show you exactly what I mean by that. There might be literature, there might be poetry...there might Grit-Mature, there might be Show-A-Flea...but there will DEFINITELY be zany times!


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